Seventh-day Adventism is a Christian denomination. We believe in the Bible as God’s word and hold certain fundamental beliefs in accordance with it. In wisdom, grace, and infinite love, God is actively working to restore a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity. These 28 fundamental beliefs represent our shared understanding of how God is accomplishing this work and our roles within it.

The Holy Scriptures

The Bible, Old and New Testament, is the word of God, showing us how to live. The authors wrote these words through divine inspiration.

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We believe there is one God. And that this one God is three co-eternal beings who work together in unity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have always been, and always will be.

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The Bible tells us that God is our Father—a good, perfect, loving Father. We embrace what the Bible teaches us about God, the all-knowing, all-powerful, benevolent Father.

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God the eternal Son became incarnate in Jesus Christ. Through Him all things were created, the character of God is revealed, the salvation of humanity is accomplished, and the world is judged.

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Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit (HS) is the third person of the Godhead, or the Trinity. The HS is the One who guides us into a closer walk with Christ. The HS was sent by Christ as the personal presence of God for those dwelling on earth.

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Genesis tells us the story of the 6-day creation week, followed by the first Sabbath. God’s relational love is seen right away and through Genesis, we can see creation being an intelligent and loving design.

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Nature of Humanity

Man and woman were made in the image of God. Though created free beings, a choice was made to distrust God for a moment and now we face the consequence of sin. We do have hope because of Jesus that our sins will be wiped away. God has called us to love Him and one another and to care for our environment.

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The Great Controversy

All humanity is now involved in a great controversy between Christ and Satan regarding the character of God, His law, and His sovereignty over the universe. Observed by the whole creation, this world became the arena of the universal conflict, out of which the God of love will ultimately be vindicated.

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Life, Death, & Resurrection of Jesus

God provided the means of atonement for our sins through His Son, Jesus, who lived a life of perfect obedience to God’s will. It’s because of Christ’s love for humanity that he sacrificed Himself to save us. His resurrection proclaims God’s triumph over evil and for those who accept Him, assure final victory over sin and death.

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Experience of Salvation

Salvation is being saved from our sins and accepting God’s gift of eternal life. When you accept God’s salvation, you can be at peace about your future. You don’t have to live in fear because God has promised to save you from the eternal consequences of sin.

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Growing in Christ

We believe in coming as you are, but not staying as you come. What do we mean by that? Jesus meets us where we’re and offers us salvation. It’s then up to us to change our selfish nature and aim to grow and be more like Christ every day by building a relationship with Him.

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The Church

The Church, as Scripture defines it, has little to do with a building at all. The collective Church refers to the family of believers in Christ. The Church is God’s children. The Church is the body of Christ, a community of faith in which Christ Himself is the head. You and I are part of the Church.

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The Remnant & its Mission

The term “remnant” as it’s used in the Bible, refers to a group of people who remain loyal to God after a time of hardship. There is special meaning to the remnant of believers that will exist in the last days, when the earth is at its worst, right before Christ’s Second Coming.

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Unity in the Body of Christ

We are all equal in Christ. Differences in race, culture, learning, nationality, language, differences between high and low, rich and poor, or male and female are not to divide us. Because of our belief and hope in Jesus, we are one and should love each other as we do ourselves.

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We believe and practice the biblical custom of baptism by immersion, in a similar way that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Baptism demonstrates a person’s commitment to Him.  It’s a public ceremony proclaiming that we accept His sacrifice and He is our Savior.

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The Lord’s Supper

As SDAs we participate in what’s called communion service, or the Lord’s Supper. It’s a time to reflect on what Jesus has done for us and share what we are grateful for with each other. Some churches hand out a piece of unleavened bread and some grape juice, while others, such as Impact celebrate with a meal resembling the Lord’s Supper.

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Spiritual Gifts and Ministries

We all have a special talent that we’ve found to be useful. Our talents come in a thousand different shapes and sizes. When used in service of others or sharing the gospel, these talents are often referred to as spiritual gifts. God has endowed us with the talents we have, and He often calls us to use those talents for the good of others, with the Holy Spirit as our guide. 

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The Gift of Prophecy

Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God bestows upon humanity. We embrace the significance of all the spiritual gifts, including prophecy, recognizing anyone can be used in this way if so moved by the Holy Spirit. One of the founders of the Adventist Church, Ellen White, is a prominent figure in history who demonstrated this gift in her ministry. 

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The Law of God

Also commonly referred to as “The Ten Commandments.” These 10 commandments are found in Exodus 20 and have served as a moral blueprint for humanity to live a life of freedom, respect, and virtue for many generations. The first few commandments help us maintain a healthy relationship with God, and the rest guide our relationships with one another.

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The Sabbath

The Sabbath was established right at the beginning of creation as the seventh day. God “blessed the seventh day and made it holy” because He rested from all His work (Genesis 2:2-3). It’s found again in the 10 commandments ( #4). He asks us to remember this sacred day, to keep it holy, not work that day or make others work, and reflect on what He has done for us.

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The word steward, which means “manager,” is mentioned several times in the Bible. As SDAs, we define a good Christian steward as someone who understands God is the creator and owner of everything. He empowers us as managers of the blessings He gives us and entrusts us with time and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources.

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Christian Behavior

The way we live each day makes a difference. When we treat others and ourselves with respect and compassion, we honor God as our Creator and recognize Jesus’ sacrifice for us. We believe the actions and words that sum up our behavior can be the best witness there is to the love of Jesus. Our goal should be to reflect Him in everything we do.

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Marriage and the Family

SDA Christians aim to uphold healthy relationships and happy homes. Strong families are foundational to a thriving church and a close-knit community. The marriage commitment is to God as well as to the spouse. As parents, we are tasked with bringing up kind, compassionate, wise, and God-loving children.

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Christ’s Ministry in the Sanctuary

There is a sanctuary in heaven, where Christ ministers on our behalf. After His death and resurrection, Jesus returned to Heaven. He promised that He went to “prepare a place” for us (John 14:3). The ancient tabernacle and its services show us how Jesus is working to prepare us for our heavenly home.

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The Second Coming of Jesus

“The Second Coming” refers to the return of Jesus Christ as described in Revelation, Hebrews, the Gospels, and many other places. Jesus came to earth to take our place, died, and rose again. However, He promised to return once again, in which the first resurrection occurs, He brings His followers to heaven with Him, and sin and Satan will be destroyed forever.

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Death and the Resurrection

Because of sin, there is death. However, because of our faith and hope in Jesus, He has promised us that we will be able to live again without pain or suffering. Until that day, death is an unconscious state for all people. When Jesus returns, the resurrected righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and caught up to meet Him.

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The Millennium and the End of Sin

After the Second Coming of Christ, there is a 1000-year time period called The Millennium in which all the believers reside in heaven.  During this time, the Earth will be desolate. After, the unrighteous will be resurrected to witness God. They, along with Satan and his army, will be forever destroyed, and the Earth will be made new again — the New Earth.

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The New Earth

At Jesus’ Second Coming, the believers who are still alive will be joined by the believers God will raise from the dead. And everyone will be taken to heaven with Him for 1000 years. After that, the earth will be cleansed with a quick, purifying fire. Satan and his angels, along with anyone who chose not to accept Christ’s sacrifice, will cease to exist. Evil and sin will be no more. “For I will create a new heaven and a New Earth…” (Isaiah 65:17). God will make a “new” earth out of the ashes of the “old” earth. The New Earth will be our eternal home, the way God intended it from the beginning.

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